Friday, 23 May 2014

Advocacy journalism

Beware,your health insurance could disown you!
Health care is one of our most feared issues in todays world. Whether having health insurance makes you superior to someone who cannot afford such a luxury depends on where you actually live! Crazy or unethical? Imagine having to pay more than your homes mortgage for something health related or losing a loved one because people in higher power decide on things that benefit them and no one else.
Micheal Moore’s ‘Sicko’ exposes the truth behind health insurance in the United States. Most people in the US are covered with health insurance but when the time comes for them to claim for major or life threatening operations, they become victims of fraud. An example would be the case of Julie Pierce’s husband. This couple had been paying for health insurance,eventually her husband needed a bone marrow operation but was denied. So what are all the insurance payments for? The ‘motto’ that these companies and their doctors adhere to is, ‘ ...the less care we give them, the more money we make.” this alone spews out the word pathetic. I’m sure if a months payment was missed, the insurer would bombard your phone with calls and messages demanding the money but turn on you in desperate times!
In Britain people are actually treated like human beings where health care is free. If a person has spent money to get to the hospital they are asked to visit the cashier; not to pay  for anything but to be re-imbursed! Now that is called health care.
This documentary may seem unethical to some people because of the exposure that comes with it but a documentary like this gives insight to the public, the people who are robbed or their hard earned money. A journalists objective is to create public awareness of issues which the public are not clued up on. The media however, has a responsibility not to defame or invade anyone’s privacy. The media is there to inform, educate and entertain, not so much of an entertainment in this instance.
The documentary brought out the dirt on the irresponsible health systems that has been swept underneath the carpet. The methods used to uncover these issues were very well done as Moore had spoken to the general public who don’t have insurance and those who were cheated. If a documentary like this was not made, people around the world would not know what some people have to go through when it comes to health care. With regards to the doctors who agreed to the ‘so called motto’ of giving less and earning more, should have their medical licenses,taken away.
This documentary was extremely relevant and ethical. It shows the public that no matter how much is invested in a health insurance, always have a back up plan! After watching this many people would probably think twice before moving to the United States of America.

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